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Historic Frost and Heterogeneous Yields

The 2021 vintage was marked by a historic frost in April, following an early start of the vine. Brutal weather changes, from spring frost to the harvest in September, set the tempo. Flowering took place under good conditions for the formation of future fruits, and véraison occurred under the sun from mid-August. Despite the low volumes, the quality of the wines is a testament to the efforts made.


  • Budbreak: Early April
  • Flowering: Mid-June
  • Véraison: Mid-August
  • Harvest Start: Early September for Crémants de Bourgogne, followed by still wines around September 10.

Yields were highly heterogeneous overall. It was necessary to cope with low harvest volumes, sometimes extremely low in vines most affected by frost and occasionally hail. The white wines express beautiful freshness with citrus notes like lemon or grapefruit. The red wines show a delicate ruby robe, fresh or ripe red fruit aromas, and a silky texture on the palate.

White Wines

The whites express a beautiful freshness that will seduce lovers of Burgundy. Very chiseled, they offer for the moment citrus notes like lemon or grapefruit, aromas that will evolve in progress farmed.

Red wines 

The ruby of the red wines, very delicate, accompanies the aromas of fresh or more ripe red fruits. This beautiful fruity expression is found in the mouth, with notes of cherry or raspberry. The textures are delicate and the tannins are very silky.

A Contrasting start to the year and a late harvest

After a mild winter, then a clear cooling in mid-March, temperatures rise significantly, becoming even summer during the week 29 March-3 April. In these conditions, the vine comes back to life a few days ahead of average. This early bud leaves exposed fragile buds.
What was feared happens: on April 6 a mass of polar air causes a drop in temperature,
up to -6°C in the early morning in valley bottoms. This is just the beginning of a long series of nights white for black jellies burning new buds every day.

The climatic conditions remain cool at the beginning of May. The vine, stunned by frost, resumes its growth. Then, in June, thanks to a rise in the thermometer, it makes up for the backlog since the spring frost.
The flowering is fast. In July, favored by the rainfall, the vine grows, becomes again liane,
shape of the leaves, lengthens its stems, but bears little fruit. You must then redouble your efforts to follow the rhythm imposed by the vegetation: despite the low harvest, the workload is immense.

The harvest begins around 20th of September.

Devastating Frost and Reduced Harvest

Like the rest of Burgundy, the Côte de Nuits suffered from the severe black frosts between April 6 and 8, 2021, after an early budbreak under summer-like temperatures. The damage was extensive, with crop losses reaching up to 50% in some areas. After this cold snap, vegetative growth was slow until June, despite successful flowering in mid-June. The cool and rainy summer favored strong vegetative growth but little fruit formation on the frost-damaged vines. Harvest began around September 20 with very low yields, between 10 and 30 hl/ha depending on the plots.

Red Wines

The 2021 red wines from the Côte de Nuits are distinguished by their ruby color, fresh red fruit aromas, and a delicate palate with silky tannins.

A Difficult Year and Historically Low Volumes

The devastating frost from April 6 to 9, 2021, severely affected the Côte de Beaune, particularly the Chardonnay vines, with losses up to 80% in some parcels. After an early budbreak in late March, the arrival of polar air caused significant damage to the young shoots. The vine then struggled to recover, with slow development until June. The mild and rainy summer allowed good vegetative growth but little fruit formation on the frost-affected vines. The harvest took place between September 20 and 30 under more traditional conditions, but yields were extremely low.

White Wines

Despite the low volumes, the 2021 white wines from the Côte de Beaune promise excellent quality, with bright fruit and surprising aging potential.

Red Wines

The red wines show more variable quality, with some estates needing to delay fermentations or add sugar to improve finesse and suppleness.

Devastating Frost and Historically Low Yields

The frost from April 6 to 9, 2021, also severely affected the Côte Chalonnaise, hitting Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Aligoté vines hard. After an early budbreak in late March, the arrival of polar air caused significant damage to the young shoots. Vegetative growth was slow until June. The mild and rainy summer allowed good leaf growth but little fruit formation on the frost-affected vines. The harvest took place between late September and early October under more traditional conditions, but yields were catastrophically low.

White Wines

Despite skeletal volumes, the 2021 white wines from the Côte Chalonnaise, mainly Chardonnay and Aligoté, show promising aromatic freshness and surprising aging potential.

Red Wines

The quality of the Pinot Noir red wines is more heterogeneous, with some estates resorting to light chaptalization to add suppleness and roundness.

Variable Growth and Challenging Harvest Conditions

The southern Mâconnais suffered less from drought, with some communes receiving good rainfall in July. This allowed for reasonable yields and very good grape quality in these areas. However, in more affected zones, yields were low, but wine quality remained high. Vegetative growth was impacted by a lack of water, making the vines appear thin and necessitating additional fertilization. Downy mildew and rot treatments were reduced, but vigilance against powdery mildew and black rot was necessary.

White Wines

The 2021 white wines from the Mâconnais exhibit beautiful aromatic intensity, with fresh fruit notes and balanced structure.

Red Wines

The red wines show good concentration, with ripe red fruit aromas and a delicate texture on the palate.

A Year of Contrasts and Promising Wines

The first quarter of 2021 was characterized by slightly higher-than-normal average temperatures (+0.4°C), slightly excess rainfall (+18 mm), and excess sunshine of 56 hours. April was marked by historic frosts between April 5 and 8, with particularly cold, rainy but sunny conditions. May was also cold, very rainy, and quite sunny.

Due to these cool months, flowering started late, on average June 9, seven days later than usual. July was cool, not very sunny, and very rainy. August was generally cool and dry in its second half. Harvest began on September 13.

Red Wines

The 2021 red wines from Beaujolais are distinguished by their ruby color, ripe fruit aromas, and a silky, round palate with ripe tannins.

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