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A Promising and High-Quality Year

Return to Generosity and Quality

After two years of very low harvests in 2015 and 2016, the 2017 vintage marks a return to generosity in Burgundy in terms of both quantity and quality. The spring with summer-like conditions and the summer punctuated by some hot periods shaped an early vintage. The harvest sometimes took place as early as late August, among the earliest in recent years.

Meteorologically, the climate was favorable across the entire Burgundy vineyard, with the notable exception of Chablis and certain sectors of the Mâconnais affected by spring frost. The dry and hot summer reduced disease pressure on the grapes, offering very good sanitary conditions.

This 2017 vintage does not present the homogeneity of 2015 or 2016, but its expressive and classic wines are very pleasant from their youth. The red wines display beautiful ruby and garnet hues with a fresh nose and crunchy fruits on the palate. The whites showcase lovely notes of white fruits and superb minerality.

With volumes up 20% compared to 2016, this generous vintage has allowed Burgundy to stand out in a national context of historically low harvests. A real relief for winemakers after the challenges of previous years.

White Wines

The white wines showcase lovely notes of white fruits and superb minerality. They are distinguished by their remarkable balance between richness and freshness.

Red Wines

The red wines display beautiful ruby and garnet hues with a fresh nose and crunchy fruits on the palate. They are very pleasant from their youth.

Return to Generosity after a Difficult 2016

The 2017 vintage can be described as excellent, even great for some. After a catastrophic 2016 with historically low yields, winemakers finally find their smiles again.

The spring was marked by a late frost episode in late April, which fortunately spared most of the Chablis vineyard. Only a few low-lying parcels were slightly affected.

The summer set in with warm temperatures and generous sunshine, ideal for grape maturation. A few localized hailstorms affected about three communes in Chablis without causing major damage.

Finally, yields returned to a more generous level than in 2016, with an increase of about 20% according to estimates from the Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne.

White Wines

The 2017 Chablis white wines are distinguished by their great aromatic purity, remarkable balance between richness and freshness, and superb minerality typical of Kimmeridgian terroirs.

Contrasting Climatic Conditions and Complete Maturation

The Côte de Nuits was marked by contrasting climatic conditions, with an early spring followed by a capricious summer, but an ideal late season allowing for slow and complete grape maturation.

After a cold and dry winter, temperatures rose rapidly in late March, triggering a very early budbreak of the vine. In late April, a few morning frosts impacted some parcels, particularly in the sectors of Gevrey-Chambertin and Morey-Saint-Denis.

Flowering occurred from the last days of May, in a very short time. The summer then alternated between heatwaves and cooler periods, with very heterogeneous precipitation depending on the sectors.

Red Wines

The 2017 red wines from the Côte de Nuits are distinguished by their great elegance, with silky tannins and superb aromatic freshness focused on red and black fruits. The terroirs of Vosne-Romanée, Gevrey-Chambertin, and the best Premier Crus of Nuits-Saint-Georges are particularly successful.

Contrasting Weather Conditions and Quality Wines

The 2017 vintage experienced contrasting weather conditions throughout the year in the Côte de Beaune.

The spring was marked by late frosts on April 18 and 19, damaging some buds and impacting yields, particularly on young vines.

The summer was then dry and hot with several heatwaves in July and August. This summer drought caused water stress for the vines, slowing grape maturation.

Red Wines

The 2017 red wines from the Côte de Beaune are distinguished by their intense color and gourmand nose of fresh red fruits and sweet spices. On the palate, they are silky wines with melted tannins, offering great concentration and finesse.

Favorable Conditions and Great Aging Potential

The 2017 vintage in the Côte Chalonnaise was excellent, particularly for the red wines, which benefited from very favorable weather conditions.

After a mild winter, the spring was warm and dry, allowing for early budbreak. The summer, then hot and sunny with little rain, allowed for slow and regular grape maturation without water stress.

Red Wines

Despite generally high yields, particularly for Pinot Noir after the 2016 frost, the quality is there with concentrated red wines, endowed with great structure and ripe, gourmand fruit.

White Wines

The white wines offer consistency, balance, and great aromatic freshness, although they sometimes lack concentration compared to the reds. The 2017 vintage also marks a qualitative turning point for the Givry appellation, whose powerful and structured red wines particularly shone this year, confirming the potential of this vineyard.


Contrasting Conditions and Great Wine Quality

The 2017 vintage in the Mâconnais was marked by contrasting conditions, with a cool and wet spring followed by a hot and dry summer.

After a mild winter, the spring was rainy between April and June in Mâcon. Late frosts also affected some sectors like Viré-Clessé in April, impacting yields.

White Wines

The 2017 white wines in the Mâconnais combine great maturity with high acidities, bringing freshness and tension. These are tender, fleshy, and savory wines with a great expression of the terroir.

Red Wines

The 2017 Gamay reds are also magnificent, very fruity and fresh, offering excellent value for this vintage.


Ein Vielversprechendes und Hochwertiges Jahr

Allgemeiner Kommentar

Rückkehr zu Großzügigkeit und Qualität

Nach zwei Jahren sehr niedriger Ernten in 2015 und 2016 markiert der Jahrgang 2017 eine Rückkehr zur Großzügigkeit in Burgund in Bezug auf Menge und Qualität. Der Frühling mit sommerlichem Flair und der von einigen heißen Perioden geprägte Sommer formten einen frühen Jahrgang. Die Ernte fand teilweise bereits Ende August statt, eine der frühesten der letzten Jahre.

Meteorologisch war das Klima im gesamten burgundischen Weinbaugebiet günstig, mit der bemerkenswerten Ausnahme von Chablis und einigen Sektoren des Mâconnais, die von Frühlingsfrösten betroffen waren. Der trockene und heiße Sommer verringerte den Krankheitsdruck auf die Trauben und bot sehr gute Gesundheitsbedingungen.

Dieser Jahrgang 2017 weist nicht die Homogenität von 2015 oder 2016 auf, aber seine ausdrucksstarken und klassischen Weine sind von Jugend an sehr angenehm. Die roten Weine zeigen schöne rubinrote und granatrote Töne mit einer frischen Nase und knackigen Früchten im Mund. Die Weißen zeigen schöne Noten von weißen Früchten und eine hervorragende Mineralität.

Mit einem Volumenanstieg von 20% im Vergleich zu 2016 hat dieser großzügige Jahrgang es Burgund ermöglicht, sich in einem nationalen Kontext historisch niedriger Ernten zu behaupten. Eine echte Erleichterung für die Winzer nach den Herausforderungen der vergangenen Jahre.


Die Weißweine zeigen schöne Noten von weißen Früchten und eine hervorragende Mineralität. Sie zeichnen sich durch ihr bemerkenswertes Gleichgewicht zwischen Reichtum und Frische aus.


Die roten Weine zeigen schöne rubinrote und granatrote Töne mit einer frischen Nase und knackigen Früchten im Mund. Sie sind von Jugend an sehr angenehm.


Rückkehr zur Großzügigkeit nach einem Schwierigen 2016

Der Jahrgang 2017 kann als ausgezeichnet, für einige sogar als großartig beschrieben werden. Nach einem katastrophalen Jahr 2016 mit historisch niedrigen Erträgen finden die Winzer endlich wieder ein Lächeln.

Der Frühling war von einer späten Frostperiode Ende April geprägt, die glücklicherweise den größten Teil des Chablis-Weinbergs verschonte. Nur wenige tiefer gelegene Parzellen waren leicht betroffen.

Der Sommer brachte warme Temperaturen und großzügigen Sonnenschein, ideal für die Reifung der Trauben. Einige örtliche Hagelstürme betrafen etwa drei Gemeinden in Chablis, ohne größere Schäden zu verursachen.

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Contrasting Conditions and Great Wine Quality

The 2017 vintage in the Mâconnais was marked by contrasting conditions, with a cool and wet spring followed by a hot and dry summer.

After a mild winter, the spring was rainy between April and June in Mâcon. Late frosts also affected some sectors like Viré-Clessé in April, impacting yields.

White Wines

The 2017 white wines in the Mâconnais combine great maturity with high acidities, bringing freshness and tension. These are tender, fleshy, and savory wines with a great expression of the terroir.

Red Wines

The 2017 Gamay reds are also magnificent, very fruity and fresh, offering excellent value for this vintage.

Contrasting Weather Conditions and Hail Episodes

The 2017 vintage in Beaujolais was marked by contrasting weather conditions and devastating hail episodes for some winemakers.

After a winter with average temperatures but a significant rainfall deficit, the spring was warm and dry, leading to a very early budbreak in late March, two to three weeks ahead of schedule. However, a cool spell in mid-April lasting a month disrupted vine growth, particularly in late-ripening areas.

Despite concerns about spring frosts in late April, Beaujolais was spared, unlike other regions. However, violent hailstorms occurred in May and June, causing significant damage in some areas like Fleurie, where some winemakers did not harvest at all.

After a hot and dry August allowing for good maturation, the harvest began as early as August 28 for the earliest parcels, only four days after the 2015 vintage. A heavy downpour of 70 mm fell on August 30, refreshing the vines.

Red Wines

Despite a heterogeneous vintage with sometimes very low yields of 25 hl/ha in hail-affected areas, the quality is there with concentrated wines of good maturity, rather low acidities, and high degrees. Some are even comparable to the 2015 vintage in terms of maturity.

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